文章分类: Data

scite is missing citations

scite processes millions of full-text scientific articles in order to extract citation statements. While we have processed many millions of articles, there still many more to go. If your article is missing citations it might be for one of the following reasons:

1) We have not yet processed the article and thus don't have the citation.

We are actively ingesting millions of scientific articles (500k PDFs per day), the article or citations might be in the queue already.

2) We have processed the article but the citation was not extracted properly.

We extract citations from articles in XML and PDF. It is possible when extracting citations from PDFs that some are missed. We are working to improve this process daily and are working with publishers so that we may extract citations from XML, a process much more reliable than PDF extraction.

3) We don't have an agreement with the publisher yet

Where an article is not open then we rely on indexing agreements with publishers to get publications. Perhaps you are looking for a citation or publication from an article belonging to a publisher we don't have a relationship with. Let us know so we can reach out to them.

4) Other

There is a whole host of other reasons we might not have a citations from the publication not having a DOI assigned, to erroneous metadata that exclude it or mislink it.

What to do about a missing citation?

Let us know! We would love to hear from you and help get missing citations or publications into scite. Email us at hi@scite.ai

更新于: 16/12/2022



